
My readers are complaining to me about my blog not being updated lately. I am so swamped with preparing for my conference, the blog (and my Twittering) have been put on hold. Well, today I decided to give a short update for your entertainment. So here goes...

Family update: My wonderful sister-in-law remarried this past weekend, and I want to say congrats to Teresa and Randy. Welcome to the family Randy. I know you and Teresa will have many happy years together.

Note: My Twitter friend, Loren DiGiorgi, is an amazing musician. I encourage everyone to visit his website and enjoy his music. He is truly talented and I know you will enjoy his music as much as I do. Here is a link to his site… http://www.lorendigiorgi.com/ . I have found that when I get totally stressed, his soothing music really helps to calm my nerves. Enjoy!

Book update: I am currently working on my 3rd revision of my first manuscript. I decided to change the POV from 1st person to 3rd. It seems to have added a certain positive tweak to my manuscript and I love it. The second manuscript is half finished, but it has been put on hold until after the conference. This brings me to my last update…

OWFI Conf. Update: I am so excited about my first writer’s conference. I have new business cards made that are very classy. My synopsis is in its early stage, and still needs tons of editing, which is making me feel like I am falling behind schedule. I also have ideas about how my pitch, but nothing set in stone yet. This also makes me feel like I have a lot of work still left to do, and the conference is a week from today! UGH!! *wipes sweat from brow* I have an appointment with a publicist named Lynn Wiese Sneyd. I look forward to meeting with her, and I also hope that there will be some extra open spots that I might be able to squeeze an extra meeting in with an agent. My friend Tiffany, who has written a memoir, is going with me to the conference. She just so happens to know one of the speakers at the conference, so I hope we may get an extra little bit of help from him. We will see.

So there you have it, an update of the goings on in my world at the moment. Check back after the first week of May and hear all about how the conference went. I am sure I will have plenty to tell you. Ciao!!


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