We Want to Thank All of our Family and Friends

A Toast to Life
40th Birthday Celebration with Friends & Family

After a great 40th birthday celebration, it is tempting to give a speech and toast to celebrate the fruitfulness and blessing that this age brings. A birthday speech is indeed one of the best ways to express just how happy and thankful you are for reaching the age of 40. More importantly than just giving a speech about the joy of reaching this milestone in life, are the people that shared this day with us who are truly the reason why our life is blessed. Without our friends and family this day would have been empty and poignant. We would like to say thanks to all of you who celebrated with us…

Jay, Donna, Delaney, Carson, Ella, A.J., Jake,
Wes, Tiffany, Patrick, Steph, Ed, Scott L.,
Mason, Scott D., Carrie, Brandon, Benny,
Wyatt, Robert, Mona, Rene, Paul, Zach,
Joe, Andi, Teresa, Randy, John, Nanette,
Josh, Paige, Heath, Kim, Kelly, Alexis, Cody,
Jerry, Jason, Brian & Bobby.

A special thanks goes out to our wonderful friend and neighbor, Lina, who brought us a beautiful cake that everyone enjoyed.


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