
Showing posts from February, 2009

Oh what to tell you this week…

Hubby is doing okay, but feeling some after affects of the car accident. I will update you if anything else happens. Now, back to what most of you want to know…the book(s). Second book has been put on hold for the first to be revised into 3rd person. I have decided that it makes for a more interesting tale in 3rd person perspective. I have to say that I don’t take the material as personal that way, which is a wonderful thing. It can be scary to have a stalker in your midst. *ahem…sneak peak at the first book theme.* Second book: I have been stuck on a scene for a month now, not knowing how to proceed with the action of my MG book. My lovely daughter has helped me figure out a way to add an element of excitement with a twinge of unforeseeable action. I think it will be an excellent segment that everyone will enjoy once the book is finished AND published. *knock on wood* I am excited to finish this book, but it always will take a back seat to my first. At least until I get the d...

Car Wreck!

My hubby was in a car wreck tonight. No big deal, he walked away mostly unscathed. Sadly enough, when he called I sounded more worried about what car he was in, than his health. (I have a 2007 Mustang GT that is my pride and joy.) Please understand I was worried about him, but I figured if he had enough sound mind to call me, then he was probably just fine. He was passenger in our neighbor’s new “pride and joy”; a jeep that he had just bought from a friend. They were hit from behind while turning into a parking lot; both were wearing their seatbelts. The jeep was spun into a ditch, took out a sign that said “Travis Dr.”(my husband’s name is Travis), and then ended up back on the road. The driver at fault of course had no insurance or license. All that said…it makes you realize just how quickly someone you love could be taken away. My daughter was upset even though she was told that her daddy was fine. She only believed that when she saw him walk through the front door. He has ...

Blogs, Blogs and More Blogs

One of the things I enjoy doing on the internet is reading blogs. It’s no wonder I finally decided to start my own blog back in Oct. 2008, and I have been having fun posting my own blogs ever since. Now I want to share some of my favorites blog sites with you. Some are serious, some informative and others are just too funny. I hope you visit a few of these and read the posts that these clever people have written. (One of my very favorites. About a girl who lives in New York and she tells of her off the wall experiences she has on the subway and the streets of New York.) (Several women in the publishing industry share this one, including my new Twitter friend Toni Andrews, and they aren’t afraid to use four letter words.) (This is agent, Janet Reid, who takes writers query letters and picks them apart without any holding back. Only brave writers submit their queries to this one.) http://jet...

We Want to Thank All of our Family and Friends

A Toast to Life 40th Birthday Celebration with Friends & Family After a great 40th birthday celebration, it is tempting to give a speech and toast to celebrate the fruitfulness and blessing that this age brings. A birthday speech is indeed one of the best ways to express just how happy and thankful you are for reaching the age of 40. More importantly than just giving a speech about the joy of reaching this milestone in life, are the people that shared this day with us who are truly the reason why our life is blessed. Without our friends and family this day would have been empty and poignant. We would like to say thanks to all of you who celebrated with us… Jay, Donna, Delaney, Carson, Ella, A.J., Jake, Wes, Tiffany, Patrick, Steph, Ed, Scott L., Mason, Scott D., Carrie, Brandon, Benny, Wyatt, Robert, Mona, Rene, Paul, Zach, Joe, Andi, Teresa, Randy, John, Nanette, Josh, Paige, Heath, Kim, Kelly, Alexis, Cody, Jerry, Jason, Brian & Bobby. A special thanks goes out to our wonder...

The Big 4-O

“ To turn ” lets talk about this two word meaning… Definition of turn: the act of changing or reversing the direction of the course. The definition of “ turning ” is to transform or change. Now lets take a look at “ 40 ”… In biblical terms the numerical number 40 has significant meaning. Think of the 40 days and 40 nights of rain floods. It took the Israelites 40 years to find the Promised Land, and Jesus spent 40 days in the dessert before his crucifixion. Maybe there is something to this specific number. I have always thought that a person is only as “old” as he/she feels, and I can honestly say that I still feel young, but my wonderful husband must feel younger than me. He is very active in life, busy in work, extremely smart to figure things out but still learning from others, and above all else the most considerate person I have ever met. Now that I have made you all gag at the gushing love I still have for my husband of 16 years (too bad)… Happy 20th Anniversary of your 20th ...