Short Story Update

The person who does not read good books has no advantage over the person who cannot read them.” - Mark Twain

I am trying to stay upbeat tonight, but failing miserably. One of my two short stories that I submitted to a well known magazine was not picked for publication. I must say, I feel absolutely disappointed and I may have shed a tear or two hundred. I am still hopeful…crossing my fingers…praying every night…knocking on wood…etc. etc., that my first story, submitted back in September, will be accepted. The story that did not get accepted was submitted Oct. 15th, and my first story was submitted Sept. 15th. From what I have been told and researched on the net, the longer the story is “in process” the better.

Here is the latest information about my manuscript. Four more e-queries have been sent, and three have come back rejected. I received some replies back in less than one minute of hitting the send button, thanks to the agent’s handy dandy “auto reply”. Those disappoint me, because I know the agent hasn’t even looked at the query to give it a chance.

I thought in the beginning that getting the rejection responses from agents was going to be hard, but surprisingly enough, they aren’t too bad to swallow. I admit that the magazine not accepting my short story hit me harder than the rejections received from my manuscript. Why? Who knows? All I can say is I keep positive by reminding myself that I am one more rejection closer to finding the agent that will fall in love with my writing. For the time being, I am working on my second and third book. Both genres are totally different; one is a M/G book and the other is a historical romance. It’s difficult to have them both going at the same time, but I like the challenge. I want to give big thanks to all my friends and family that have supported me throughout my writing progress. Don’t forget to check back each week for updates.


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