It's Update Time!

It’s time for an update on my writing progress (for those of you that are interested…and you know who you are). *Just kidding.*

My first book is finished and still waiting to find an agent that will fall in love with it. My queries have been put on hold for now because my focus is my new position at work. It is extremely stressful, and by the time I get home, my brain is exhausted. So I guess when I say that my first book is “waiting to find an agent”, I suppose that is not exactly the truth. There are a few queries, that I previously sent out, which I still have not received a response from the agents. Let’s be honest though, I probably won’t hear back from them. I am okay with that because I have decided to put that puppy to rest for now.

I have a third short story submitted to Glimmer Train. Even though this story has already been submitted, there are a few edits that need to be made to make the story better. This story means a lot to me because its about my grandparents, who are very special to my heart, and I would love to see it in print. I even have a picture in mind that I would submit with it if Glimmer Train actually selects the story. Only problem with the short story is that it's really short, so I doubt it will make it into publication. I had a hard time writing this story because my grandmother passed away a few years ago, and I really miss her.

My second book is already on the way, and I love it! I have so much fun writing. My second book is a middle grade book, which I hope to have finished in a month or two. I have finished chapter 4, and chapter 5 is screaming to be hammered out on the keyboard as we speak. I do wish I could have my friend, which helped critique my first book, help critique this book as well. I work on this book during the weekends (when I get a few moments of quiet). I thought that in the winter time, it would be easier to do my writing because I wouldn’t feel guilty about not going outside and getting some exercise and fresh air. What I didn’t think about…my kids are also “not going outside”. This means two preteens, in close quarters, arguing over just about everything. So instead of playing the author, I get to play the referee. Kids definitely make life interesting.


Anonymous said…
We need a title for this new book! The people demand it!

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