
The Robin Hood of Art - Banksy

Girl with Balloon by Banksy Banksy … what? Banksy the internationally known artist…uh…unknown artist, graffiti master, activist, painter, filmmaker and all-purpose rabble-rouser  that  has a magnificent talent for sizzling the senses. His amazing works of art randomly appear upon buildings, walls and other things, cleverly created and exceptionally thought provoking. His stealthy work is quickly deposited with one eye on the canvas and one eye over his shoulder taking a cautious watch for authorities. Some say Banksy is a vandal, defacing public property with his graffiti, but I say he’s a brilliant purveyor of visual stimuli. I admire his thoughts on advertising and feel this speaks volumes about today's talented artists being sucked into commercialism which cheapens their god given gift of creativity.  The thing I hate most about advertising is that it attracts all the bright, creative and ambitious young people, leaving us mainly with the slow and self-obsessed to...

Beer Can on the Van

OOPS!!  Notice the beer can on this guys bumper.  It was a company work vehicle no less, and the driver was not driving very well.  If a police officer happened to see this do you think he would get an open container?     

Picture Book Submissions

Exciting times are here again!  I always get both excited and nervous when I submit my stories.  I had to take a hiatus for a few years to help my husband start our new business, but now that the business is on its feet and running, my writing is taking center stage again. So everyone cross your fingers, hold your tongue just right and pray a lot for me to get my picture book published.  It is very dear to my heart and reminds me of the fond memories I have of when my babies were babies.  

Writing Again!!!

Hey everyone, I'm back to my first love again...writing!!! Yay!!! I have officially sent out my first submission today on my favorite book I have written so far for middle grade/young adults. I have high hopes for this fun book so keep your fingers crossed. In addition I have a cute little picture book for toddlers that I will be submitting to agents as well. So along with my book writing I plan to start full force on my blogging again. It's so weird to read my traffic reports on my blog and see that it is visited from viewers all over the world. Thank you to all that visit and take the time to read my short stories, life updates and the fan favorite "Web Gems".  I promise to start updating my blog often for my faithful readers (cuz you guys rock).  Come back soon! :)

Web Gems!

I love finding great things on the internet that I call “Web Gems”. It’s been a while since I posted any web gems for you (heck, it’s been a while since I posted anything…bad bad me), I figured it was time to treat my readers to a fun site. Sorry, but there is only one web gem today and as you can tell - it’s because I am sitting at my desk hungry and trying to think of something cool to make for dinner tonight. My friends and family know that I LOVE to cook, and I have a large collection of recipes. For all of you who also like to cook and like the challenge of figuring out how to make your favorite restaurant dishes, here is a website I found that has some great recipes from restaurants like Popeyes, Pei Wei, Olive Garden, etc. I enjoy P.F. Changs Lettuce Wraps minus the water chestnuts – ick ; the recipe for this appetizer is on the website. I have yet to try the recipe, but as soon as I do, I will post if it’s just like the restaurant version or not. So stay tuned and I wil...


Now this is downsizing your home! Sorry for the unsophisticated language, but I wonder who bought this “turd”.